Vercel Integration

Create a Vercel App

To use the Vercel integration you'll need to create your own integration in Vercel. To start, click "Create" in the Integrations Developer Console.

When configuring the app:

  • Set the Redirect URL to {YOUR_DOMAIN}/extensions/vercel/configure/
  • Set the Webhook URL to {YOUR_DOMAIN}/extensions/vercel/delete/ and subscribe to the following events:
    • Deployment Created
    • Configuration Removed
  • Leave the Configuration URL empty

Take note of your client ID, client secret, and integration URL slug (the value you entered in the URL Slug field. This will be used to construct the integration installation URL). Add those to config.yml like this:

# Vercel #
vercel.client-id: your-client-id
vercel.client-secret: your-secret
vercel.integration-slug: your-integration-slug

Then, go to your integration in Vercel and click on View in Marketplace. Add the integration and then follow our documentation on configuring the Vercel integration to use the integration.

You can edit this page on GitHub.